10 years ago

Like many men (and women), I unfortunately lost my hair at a young age.

Being such a vital part of my self-image, unsurprisingly my confidence and self-esteem took a huge hit. And truth be told, I didn’t really know what to do about it.

I looked into hair transplants, medical research, medicines… I was seriously desperate to find a ‘cure’. Which in today’s world, gets fuelled even more by the 1000s of posters, adverts and passing comments we’re surrounded by, about the latest surgical procedures or medicinal options available on the market.

Hidden in plain sight… there’s a massive stigma around being bald or ‘balding’, leading many people (particularly men..) into depression.

In my case, I was very lucky to have had several supportive friends close by. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t a bloody tough period of my life!

Fast forward 10 years, and here I am creating Nut Headcare… with the primary goal of eliminating baldness’ ‘bad press’.

The added bonus; I’ve finally got my hands on a product designed with a bald head in mind!

Our Story

Nut’s creation came from where you would have expected it to… a personal experience.

Lloyd Danaher, CEO

Nut works with some of the most talented chemists in the UK to produce high quality headcare products.

All of which have been designed specifically for those with a short-haired look.